“Riding, training, and competing are primarily functions of the body. Riding, training, and competing successfully are primarily functions of the mind. If you are reasonably athletic and coordinated, you can become a competent rider. What separates the good rider from the great rider is what goes on in the mind.” - Jane Savoie
Attitude along with mental training is so important to succeeding as an athlete but so much more important when you have to work with another being such as a horse. The horse is so sensitive and can pick up on a rider’s emotions easier than most riders think. Our mental attitude affects our physiology, such as stiff muscles, in which a horse can feel.
“What you say is what you get!” - Jane Savoie
“Horsemanship is not merely a matter of bodily skills, but is based on scholarship and therefore is a matter of the mind and intellect. Good Horsemanship is based on proper character development and therefore is also a matter of mentality and spirit. Without the correct attitudes and insights, there cannot be the right sport.” - Charles de Kunffy
“Thought management=mount management: The soccer ball doesn’t care if you are still thinking abut work or school. A pair of skis is not impacted by your fear of speed. But a horse can and will respond to variations in your thoughts, feelings and tension levels. Your responsibility as a leader of this team is to know and manage yourself to make your relationship succeed. Even the most basic mental skills take on a different flavor when applied to horse sport. As with other sports, managing how and what you think is vitally important. It dictates your confidence, your ability to focus and problem solve. As a rider, your thoughts are translated into behavior and non-verbal communication. The psychology of horse sport means knowing and using this fact to your advantage.” - April Clay