Equine Chakras & Crystal Healing


Chakras are the centers in our bodies in which energy flows through.  Both you and your horse have chakras. We share 7 chakras but animals have an additional one that we don’t have. Each chakra is associated with an Earth element, healing crystals and a color.

Chakras are the channels for the flow of Universal energy (Prana, Chi, Ki).  This energy flows two ways, inward and out of the body.  Therefore, every thought, act and emotion affects the chakras. Likewise, external stimuli, both positive and negative, have an effect on the chakras and leave their mark. This is the same for animals and humans alike.

Blocked energy in any of the chakras can contribute to pain, illness and influence mood so it’s important to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

Horses share seven Major chakras with humans; Crown, Third Eye (Brow), Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root (base), but animals have another called the Brachial chakra.
The seven common chakras are:
  1. Root (Base) Chakra relates to our foundation and feeling of wellbeing and feeling grounded. It is located at the base of spine in the tailbone area. It deals with survival issues such as basic instinct, physical identity and food. Color: Red / Element: Earth / Crystal: Hematite/ Oils: Cedar, Clove, Myrrh / Dance with your horse outside! Ground in the great outdoors by walking barefoot (not too close to your horse!). Eat red foods and spices. Let go of fear and help your horse feel secure and not fearful by being a good leader to them by setting appropriate boundaries and having empathy for them. Remember to train your horse by communicating in away that the horse is using both mind and body so the two can become connected which will help ground. Be aware of your mental thoughts while working with your horse and how your body responds to those mental thoughts. A horse will mirror back to you both your physical body and mental thoughts. Be aware of what your horse is mirroring or telling you. Stay positive and release the negative thoughts.

  2. Sacral (Navel) Chakra relates to our connection with our emotional body and ability to accept others and new experiences. It relates to our ability to feel creative, sexual, and accept change. It is located in the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel and two inches in.  It deals with the sense of abundance, well being, pleasure, self confidence, vitality and sexuality. Color: Orange / Element: Water / Crystal: Carnelian / Oils: Sandlewood,Ylang Ylang / Eat lots of carrots with your horse! Establish boundaries with your horse along with opening up your ability to feel them (try picking up your correct diagonal without looking or ride bareback). Pay attention to what your horse communicates to you and feel the emotions surrounding it.

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra relates to our ability to be confident and in control of our lives. It is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. It deals with the emotions of self-worth, self-confidence, personal power and self-esteem.  Color: Yellow / Element: Fire / Crystal: Citrine / Oils: Lemon, Chamomile Be completely aware, stay in the present moment and feel energy flowing with your horse. Keep good body posture by exercising and being aware of your body and your horses. Your horse may need extra stretches or exercises to create a better way of moving. Creating boundaries using leadership techniques with your horse and owning your power are important. Get out and enjoy the sun.

  4. Heart Chakra relates to our ability to love, the quality of our love, our past loves — and our future loves.   It is located at the center of chest just above the heart. It deals with emotions of love, joy, social identity and inner peace. Color: Green / Element: Air / Crystal: Green Quartz / Oils: Rose, Bergamot / To open this chakra we must learn to breath deep and meaningful and do so with our horses at all times. If we hold our breath so do they! Love unconditionally and release judgment, forgive and have gratitude. Meditate with your horse and enjoy some leafy greens or green apples with your horse!

  5. Throat Chakra relates to our ability to communicate. It is located in the throat. It deals with our emotions of communication, self-expression of feelings and the truth. Color: Turquoise Blue / Element: Sound/ Crystal: Blue Agate / Oils: Lavender, Sage, Neroli / Sing to your horse while you groom. Be open and honest with those around you and speak your truth. Allow your horse to speak by listening to their body language. Don’t just brush things off and really ask why the horse is doing what it is doing. Allow some expression (if really bad like biting you need to correct before it is unsafe) so that you can find out the reasons why.

  6. Third Eye (Brow) Chakra relates to our ability to focus on and see the big picture.  It is located on our forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra). It deals with the emotions of intuition, imagination, wisdom and the ability to think and make decisions. Color: Midnight Blue / Element: Light/ Crystal: Soldalite / Oils: Jasmine, Patchouli, Basil, Rosemary / Listen more and really attention to your horses behaviors. Are they irritated when you are? Try to feel the energies of those around you and use your intuition if the energies are negative or positive. Listen to your gut feelings. Visually send pictures to your horse of that perfect ride.

  7. Crown Chakra is the highest chakra and relates to our ability to be fully connected spiritually.  It is located on the very top of the head. It deals with the emotions of inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality and pure bliss.  Color: Violet or white / Element: Thought. / Crystal: Clear Quartz/ Oils: Frankincense, Olibanum / Mediate with your horse! Have some quiet time where just you and your horse can connect. Breathe with them and take time to just “be” and let your horse just “be”. Some horses have been so competitively pushed or live in such unnatural ways that they forget how to just “be”.

  8. Brachial Chakra is found only in animals. It is located on either side of the body, in the area of the shoulders.  It is the main energy center in all animals and links directly to all other chakras.  It is the center, which relates to animal-human interaction and any healing should always begin at this chakra. Color: Black / Element: Universe / Crystal: tiger’s eye, obsidian / Reiki, positive affirmations, loving energy is great to start in this area.

The Chakra Crystals

Hematite (Root/Base)
  • Encourages circulation, production of new blood cells and improves the supply of oxygen to the body.
  • It has a calming, grounding, centering and stabilizing effect on both the physical body and emotions.
  • It channels negative emotional energy held within the body out in to the earth.
  • Other crystals are garnet, obsidian, boji stones
Carnelian (Sacral/Navel)
  • Ability to assist your body to absorb vitamins and minerals.
  • Helps the body regain natural strength and vitality.
  • Reduces pain, gives courage and self-belief.
  • Other crystals are sunstone, tigers eye, yellow jasper
Citrine (Solar Plexus)
  • Strengthening store for the physical body and performs this function through detoxification. It supports the work of the liver and kidneys.
  • Gives the sense of energy, clarity and vitality.
  • Helps the body to heal and clears out old negative emotional energy. It encourages mental clarity and confidence.  
  • Other crystals are amber, yellow calcite and moonstone.
Green Quartz (Heart)
  • Calming Stone that soothes the emotions and quells anger and discomforts of the heart.
  • Helps with chest infections, breathing difficulties or coughs.  
  • It balances hormones and helps to repair the heart and emotional insecurities.
  • Other crystals are Rose Quartz, Malachite, Rhodochrosite
Blue Agate (Throat)
  • Cooling crystal which calms, soothes and reduces all forms of inflammation including coughs and sore throats.
  • Helps cool hot tempers.
  • Allows you to express yourself fully and truthfully.
  • Other crystals are blue calcite, blue kyanite, turquoise
Soldalite (Third Eye/Brow)
  • Alleviates headaches caused by build up of mental negative energy.
  • Reduces stress and tension and helps insomnia.
  • Creates a state of calmness and tranquility and allows the subconscious to rest.
  • Reduces the need to look for approval and helps silence self doubt and lack of confidence.
  • Encourages rational thinking.
  • Other crystals are Lapis Lazuli, Rainbow Moonstone, labrodite
Clear Quartz (Crown Chakra)
  • “Master Healer” that has the ability to heal and alleviate any illness and make you generally much healthier.
  • It brings clarity of vision and understanding and clarifies how you feel.
  • It stimulates the rational and logical mind as much as the psychic and intuitive one.
  • It clears the path between your rational mind and the universe, allowing and supporting good communication between your spirit guides and yourself.
  • Other crystals are amethyst, selenite, celestite
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