Grab a friend. Each of you rub your hands together, then one of you hold your hands out in front of you palms up, the other palms down, about five inches above and below each other. Wait a moment, and be aware of the sensations traveling through the airspace between your hands. It may feel like soft pulsations, or mild static electricity, passing between you. Do you feel it?
That is what is known as Chi (pronounced chee), in Oriental terms, or the life force energy. This energy, magical, invisible, but real, consists of negative (Yin) and positive (Yang) polarities. It travels throughout the healthy body in an on-going and self-regulating balance, along energy pathways called meridians.
The meridian system balances Yin and Yang and keeps Chi moving; regulates conditions of excess and deficiency; resists external and internal disease-producing organisms; and indicates when there is disharmony and imbalance.
Along these meridians, which run close to the body surface, are located over 350 points known as acupuncture or acupressure points. These specific points, approximately the size of a dime, on the body surface can be stimulated to increase or decrease energy to restore balance and allow for healing. The stimulation can be done with fine needles as in acupuncture, with fingertip pressure as in acupressure, with lasers, and other techniques.
If there is a blockage of energy flow along a meridian, it causes an energy imbalance that results in problems and disease. How do energy blockages happen? Many factors are responsible. Injuries, toxins, trauma, overexertion, fear, stress, anxiety, harsh weather, and living conditions can all play a part.
Meridians are associated with internal organs, and a blockage of energy flow affects the function of the organs, and can lead to disease. A disease condition further reduces the body's ability to self-regulate its energy. With acupuncture and acupressure treatments, however, the energy imbalance can be corrected, and the body can reestablish its equilibrium and can recover.
circulation problems, heart disorders, restlessness, shortness of breath, shoulder problems, vision disorders, behavior problemsSmall Intestine - shoulder and foreleg problems, laminitis, neck stiffness, gland problems, TMJ problems, colic, depression, lethargy
- respiratory problems; asthma, heaves, coughing; chest pain; knee problems; dry skin or dull coat
Large Intestine
- constipation, diarrhea, respiratory conditions, neck and shoulder problems, elbow problems, skin problems, weak immune system
- ligament, tendon, and joint problems, hoof, digestive, vision problems, estrous cycle irregularities, anger and aggression
Gall Bladder
- (horses don't have a gall bladder; the meridian name was carried over from humans) - used for joint, tendon and muscle problems, arthritic conditions, hind end problems, weakened immunity, eye problems, laminitis
- infertility problems (mares and stallions) and estrous cycle irregularities, bone breaks and problems including joints, dental problems, founder, poor coat condition, weakened immunity, concentration problems, and lack of confidence
- Urinary tract problems, lower back problems, arthritis and joint or bone problems, spasms and cramps of the hindquarters, hock problems, timidity and indecision
- respiratory and heart problems, anxiety disorders, problems involving the forelegs and forefeet
Triple Heater
- forefeet, foreleg, shoulder, and neck problems, ear problems, colic
- weakened immunity and other immune disorders, weakened muscles, stifle and pelvis problems, stocking up, colic, diarrhea, digestive disorders, weight problems
- colic, digestion problems, stifle disorders, hind end disorders, weakness and lethargy, TMJ tension and pain, eye problem
Two other important energy pathways travel along the midline of the body. They are: